439.1 Introduction[//]

It is possible to block a user account from signing in through the WebOpac if the borrower makes “n” unsuccessful login attempts. The access of the borrower will be blocked after “n” consecutive wrong attempts in the same day. After a successful login the previous number of attempts will be cleared.

The parameters for this are set in the WebOpac Preferences under the User Activities option.


This is not a BLOCK that will affect the circulation side. Its just a lock / block for too many invalid attempts to log on to the WebOpac user activities

439.2 Overview[//]

After selecting this AFO a list of currently blocked borrowers (for the current meta institution circulation) will be displayed:

Select a borrower to unblock the account. A message will be displayed:

·                     Document control - Change History




Change description



October 2009

creation, new AFO
part of 2.0 updates